CPMS specialise in high volume, multi-site maintenance works throughout the UK Rail Network.
We offer different types of maintenance strategies to ensure the efficient operation and longevity of equipment, plant and facilities, avoiding or mitigating operational disruptions and reputational damage.
Reactive Maintenance – Our in-house maintenance teams are located at strategic locations to enable us to respond to faults as they arise 24/7. All staff are issued with handheld devices which facilitate the exchange of real-time information between operatives and the management team. Our bespoke in-house job tracking software identifies work priority based on response time and flags up instances where response times are about tone exceeded, allowing the team to allocate resources and ensure completion within the prescribed response category.
Planned Preventative Maintenance – By implementing proactive PPM strategies we can reduce the likelihood of unexpected failures and breakdowns, minimise repair costs and optimise operational performance.
Our Services include:
- Building and M&E 24/7 Reactive Maintenance
- Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM)
- Plumbing
- Joinery and Carpentry
- Roofing
- Glazing
- Painting & Decorating
- Air Conditioning Servicing and Repair
- Gas & Oil Heating and Hot Water Systems
- Roller Shutter Door Inspection & Maintenance
- Automatic Gates servicing and repair
- LOLER Inspection & Certification
- Emergency Lighting
- Portable Appliance Testing
- Gas Detection
- Fire Detection and Alarm including PAVA
- Fire Door Inspection, Certification and Maintenance
- Intruder Detection Alarms
- Stair Climbing Equipment Servicing and Repairs
- Wheelchair Certification
- Changing Places Certification
- Ethylene Tetrafluoroethylene (EFTE) Roof Systems Routine Maintenance
- Welfare Units Cleaning and Servicing
- Lightning Protection Inspection and Maintenance
- UPS Systems
- Hostile Vehicle Mitigation Systems
- Septic Tank & Biodigesters, Emptying & Maintenance
- Sampling and Monitoring of Interceptor Systems
- Legionella Sampling and Testing
- Fire Hydrant Maintenance
- Canopy and Gutter Cleaning
- Roof Access Systems Inspection, Maintenance & Certification
- Automatic Door Maintenance & Inspection
- CET Effluent Systems